Edgar Flores

Edgard is facing his biggest fight in his martial arts career. As a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, he is a natural fighter. Edgard has also been in the yachting industry working as a captain since 2016. He is suffering from symptoms such as double vision, slurred speech, and loss of balance.
On Tuesday, January 23rd, 2024, Edgard was rushed to the Emergency Room, and we received the news that he has a tumor on his brainstem, called “brainstem glioma”. This type of tumor is rapidly growing, and there is no cure. It is currently in its final grade, grade four.
To treat this rare tumor, he will need six weeks of brain cancer treatment.
I will have to step down from my new job so that I can care for my husband. We expect this journey to be very expensive, between our current bills, and the addition of medication, medical treatments, health insurance copays and deductibles, and many more expenses. Your love, prayers, and financial support are greatly appreciated. Edgard needs everyone to be there for him now more than ever, as his life must slow down, and the journey will be long.

Help Edgar "Cook" Cancer